Welcome back, Stanford! MED 130 will be offered again this fall. Read on for more details.
What is med130?
MED 130 Yesplus: Meditation Practices for Wellbeing is a 1-unit course that provides students with tools and strategies to develop a sustainable approach to their happiness and wellbeing. Students will learn breathwork and meditation based techniques to decrease stress and increase peace and focus in day to day life. Students will also study happiness-based research and participate in community building discussions, yoga, and mindfulness processes to learn how wellness can be sustained as a personal practice. Open to all students, including freshmen and those new to meditation.
Option 1: Med130 (for class credit)
MED130 will meet 5 Thursdays throughout the quarter along with a 3 day mini retreat. All retreat dates are mandatory to receive credit.
Class Dates:
September 28 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
October 5 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
Meditation Retreat
October 19 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
October 26 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
November 2 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
Meditation Retreat Dates:
October 12 Thursday (7-10 pm)
October 13 Friday (7-10 pm)
October 14 Saturday (12-3 pm)
Enrollment limited to 25. Admission by application; please come to the first class (Thursday 6:30 PM Li Ka Shing Room 280) for more details.
If you missed the first session and would still like to attend, please contact us here.
Class Dates:
September 28 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
October 5 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
Meditation Retreat
October 19 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
October 26 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
November 2 (6:30 - 7:50 pm)
Meditation Retreat Dates:
October 12 Thursday (7-10 pm)
October 13 Friday (7-10 pm)
October 14 Saturday (12-3 pm)
Enrollment limited to 25. Admission by application; please come to the first class (Thursday 6:30 PM Li Ka Shing Room 280) for more details.
If you missed the first session and would still like to attend, please contact us here.
Option 2: MED130 meditation retreat (no credit)
This retreat is open to all Stanford students, regardless of whether they have attended MED 130 Thursday sessions. Those participating in this non-credit workshop will also be joined by MED130 class students. All retreat dates are mandatory. Short application required (see below). Please fill out a short application here.
Meditation Retreat Dates
October 12 Thursday (7-10 pm)
October 13 Friday (7-10 pm)
October 14 Saturday (12-3 pm)
Meditation Retreat Dates
October 12 Thursday (7-10 pm)
October 13 Friday (7-10 pm)
October 14 Saturday (12-3 pm)
All students accepted into the quarter long class (Option 1) will automatically be enrolled in the meditation retreat. In the class, we will focus on sustaining techniques throughout the quarter, along with meditation, processes, and evening yoga. You'll also get to engage in discussions with classmates and learn from each other's experiences.
If you cannot commit to Option 1, but still wish to learn about meditation, please apply for Option 2 and join us on retreat! We will be teaching meditation and breathing techniques to all retreat participants from the very basics, so don't worry about being behind. This is still a great option.
If you cannot commit to Option 1, but still wish to learn about meditation, please apply for Option 2 and join us on retreat! We will be teaching meditation and breathing techniques to all retreat participants from the very basics, so don't worry about being behind. This is still a great option.